Who could I be?

The purpose of my life has been to free people from concern. I did something that made people present their best selves to me, wherever I go.

How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That's all you've got to figure out.

The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency that there is, because ultimately we're not the avatars we create, we're not the pictures on the film stock, we are the light that shines through. All the rest is just smoke and mirrors, distracting, but not truly compelling. That piece that we're after lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, beyond deception and disguise, even beyond effort itself.
You can join the game, fight the war, play with forms all you want,but to find real peace you have to let the armor go.

Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in the world. Don't let anything stand between the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all your glory.

I wish people could realize all their dreams in wealth and fame so that they could see that it's not where you can find yours sense of completion. Like many of you, I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself, until something smarter than myself made me realize that there was nothing bigger than myself.

Our eyes are not viewers, they're also projectors that are running a second story over the picture of what we see in front of us all the time. Fear is writing the script and the title is I'll never be enough. I'm just making a conscious choice of seeing challenges as opportunities so that I can deal with them in the most productive way. You'll come up with your own style, that's part of the fun.

Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you and you'll only have two choices love or fear. Choose love and don't ever let fear turn you against your heart. All that would be left of you,  would be what was in your heart.

My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.

You can fail, but when you can, you might as well take a chance at doing something you love.

Relax and dream up a good life.

You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what's happening here in the decisions we make in this moment which are based on either love or fear.

So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality, when what we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, and so we never dare to ask the universe for it.

I'm saying, I'm the proof that you can ask the universe for it.

-Jim Carrey, Graduation speech at M.U.M. University. 

Who am I anyway?
picture credits - Bhumika B. Photography


  1. While few shine brighter than a star, many are too afraid that they will get burnt and choose to stay forever in the comfort of shadows. In my walk of life so far, I've found very few people who are self motivated. Now, whether they are too afraid to ask or do not know what to ask, is an entirely different story. Stay blessed

  2. It is true we dream too small... we need to dream bigger ones... sometimes life's challenge us by breaking us down and depending on the depth, it can make it so hard to come back... I know to come back is to take a chance on love again... which scares me more than anything... funny thing is that I never thought I would be afraid of that...

    Thoughtful words for sure xox

  3. Very true...Most of the time fear takes control of our life...

  4. Pfft to fame, but I'll take the wealth, that will help a bit along to completion haha not much scares me, just go with it at my sea.

  5. I super love that speech of Jim Carrey's. I keep on watching it to get motivated.


  6. Estou a tentar visitar todos os seguidores do Peregrino E Servo, pois por uma acção do google meu perfil sumiu e estava a seguir o seu blog sem foto e agora tive de voltar a seguir, com outra foto. Aproveito para deixar um fraterno abraço e muita paz e saúde.
    António Batalha.

  7. Jim Carrey is an inspiration of sorts. Thanks for sharing this amazing speech. :)

  8. Jim Carey has really evolved over the years...and this speech is a perfect example. I hope that you are doing well, my friend :)


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