Thankyou for the memories.

I've said goodbyes before. 

It has always come down to the fact that you can't say a goodbye without a tear being shed. 

This isn't easy. 

do you love me enough to let me go. 

For me, it comes down to this question, and then I can't stop me or anyone from leaving. 

If its love, it never is a final goodbye, even if it sounds like one.

I don't know maybe, but as for now, this seems right. 

This time, there are no excuses, no reasons to leave or to stay.

Just one sufficing it all, I want to leave. 

Thank you for understanding, and for the memories.

“Anyway, you can't leave her like that. You can't do that to the woman. She doesn't deserve it; nobody does. You don't belong to her and she doesn't belong to you, but you're both part of each other; if she got up and left now and walked away and you never saw each other again for the rest of your lives, and you lived an ordinary waking life for another fifty years, even so on your deathbed you would still know she was part of you.” 
― Iain Banks


  1. Those goodbyes are the hardest of all. What's important is that you are following your heart and doing what feels right. That's the first step.

  2. This was incredible... it made me think about my non goodbye with him. You are SO right that you cannot say goodbye without tears :-(

    Goodbyes are so hard but needed for change... xox ♡

  3. "If its love, it never is a final goodbye, even if it sounds like one." sometimes i hope that is true but then other times i think it's a bullshit way of trying to make myself feel better. either way... goodbyes, these especially, are the hardest, Emma is right. i hope you find comfort wherever you are. xo

  4. Glad you commented so I could find this space of yours. I think I'll say a while :)

  5. I wish that love lasted but I don't know that it does. Not the sort I've come across anyway.


  6. I will be honest, this hit a raw nerve. Reminds be of Hemingway:

    "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."

  7. After parting ways, maybe in some instances the love fades out, and in other parting instances the love never fades but changes its shade. We are who we are because of the lives we've crossed paths with. For damn sure we are never the same after love.

  8. When one door closes another one opens. That's just how it works. You have to look at the bright side, because there is one.

  9. saying goodbye to someone is saying 'hi' to someone else...

  10. Goodbyes are never easy, and maybe they're even harder when you're the one saying them. But despite that, we must follow our hearts and be free.

  11. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest parts of life...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. What if you don't get to say goodbyes? What if you don't get to hear even those last words, the last look in the eye, the last touch...
    This isn't easy.

    do you love me enough to let me go.

    For me, it comes down to this question, and then I can't stop me or anyone from leaving. ..

  13. Sometimes goodbyes can be revisited, re-invented and re-freshed.... and we're parts of one once touched by Love :)x

  14. Good bye's are often the hardest thing you will have to experience.

  15. hopefully the split will be good for both of you involved.

  16. We have to set our ow trail and go where we want. Goodbyes can sure suck though

  17. Look for a guy who rides a motorcycle (better still a Ducati).


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